Summary: How do I create SharePoint 2013 Workflow Associations through Powershell? SharePoint 2013 workflows do not show up on the WorkflowTemplates list of the SPWeb.
I am attempting to associate a SharePoint 2013 Workflow to a document library using PowerShell.
The workflow was deployed to a on-premise SharePoint farm using a No Code Sandbox Solution.
If I go through the usual Web Interface the Workflow is visible and, if I follow through the association, functional.
However, if I try to get the list SPWeb.WorkflowTemplates I am shown only the SP2010 style workflow templates.
I'm automating the deployment and want to create the association through PowerShell so that I don't need to write a step by step for a non-sharepoint savvy deployer (to be followed in various environments [they actually have 3 tiers - I love bank clients]).
As it stands, creating the association declaratively as part of the feature deployment works. I am wondering how this could be done if that were not an alternative (also, declarative association creates 3 associations - one for each type of event / don't like that).