I have a project where I need to create a form. In that form I have several columns. The columns that I have questions about are
assignment category
Assignment type
I have questions because the user wants these columns to have choices. No problem. But he would like if a certain choice is made in the category column, a field pops up asking what is the code for choice. It is only required for two out of the choices in the column.
In the assignment type column, there would be 3 choices. If someone selected 2 out of the 3, they would get an additional field. For example, the assignment type has writing, editing, and proofing choices. If a user selected writing, then they would need to select original writing or rewrite in a field that appeared. If they chose editing, they would need to select Level I or Level II.
First, is this possible? Next, should I use cascading lookup columns? If so, how do I setup the columns that would make the a new column appear once a choice is made?
I know I would have to edit the form and probably use infopath. Any help would be greatly appreciated?
Thank you