When creating a host named site collection following the instructions of this article, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc424952(v=office.15).aspx#section2a, I received a warning:
WARNING: The port specified for the new host header site does not match any known bindings in the specified Web Application. The new site will not be accessible if the Web Application is not extended to an IIS Web Site serving this port.
the command in question was similar to this:
New-SPSite 'http://portal1.mydomain.com' -HostHeaderWebApplication 'http://clients.mydomain.com:18764' -Name 'Portal1' -Description 'Portal1 root' -OwnerAlias 'domain\username' -language 1033 -Template 'STS#0'
what do I need to do to make the site available? the site collection I created I want to access as portal1.mydomain.com
I created a web application for containing all of our extranet clients. each client is to have a host named site collection.
if the solution involves alternate access mappings, what exactly gets mapped to what?
sharepoint 2013 sp1, windows server 2012 r2, sql server 2012