Is it possible to update the available page layouts of a web using CSOM? In the interface you can change them by going to the site setting and then to page layout and site template settings, but I didn't find an option yet to do it in code.
It looks like I'm able to change the pagelayouts by changing the "__PageLayouts" property of the web. The current value looks like this (I manually did the formatting to make it a bit more readable):
<layout guid="a62d560d-d34d-4154-80b5-7163e91cd62e" url="_catalogs/masterpage/ContactPage.aspx" />
<layout guid="efc0944d-4992-4c14-a0d4-5c1632bb04b5" url="_catalogs/masterpage/HowDoI.aspx" />
The thing is, I don't got a clue where these guids are coming from and if I'm able to retrieve them using CSOM