I am using PowerShell to restore a SP Web Application on the same farm. I am following the below TechNet article. It says "When you restore a web application that is configured to use claims-based authentication, there are additional steps that you must follow after restoring the web application to restore claims-based authentication."
I am not sure of the steps though. By default, all web applications in 2013 are configured for Claims-Based Authentication. My web application was using Windows authentication. After the restore, when I try to hit the URL of the site, I get the page with a drop down to choose the authentication. Interestingly, it only shows Windows Authentication in the drop down. This is not the expected behavior. Before the restore, it was prompting directly for Windows credentials and not this page. Has anyone ever encountered this? If so, can anyone please shed some light? This is weird. Unfortunately, the above link doesn't even have any examples for the restore operation. Note: I want a PowerShell based solution.