for major and minor versions that is the same concept here again:
BaseType = "Integer" | "Text"
Default = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
DefaultItemOpen = "Integer"
Description = "Text"
Direction = "Text"
DisableAttachments = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
DraftVersionVisibility = "Integer"
EnableContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE" EnableMinorVersions = "TRUE" | "FALSE" EnableThumbnails = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
EventSinkAssembly = "Text"
EventSinkClass = "Text"
EventSinkData = "Text"
FolderCreation = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
Id = "GUID"
ModeratedList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
ModerationType = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
Name = "Text"
OrderedList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
PrivateList = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
QuickLaunchUrl = "URL"
RootWebOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
ThumbnailSize = "Integer"
Title = "Text"
Type = "Integer"
Url = "URL"
URLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
VersioningEnabled = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
WebImageHeight = "Integer"
WebImageWidth = "Integer">
you append the above within the schema.xml that belongs to the list with the elements.xml