===================== Updated Answer =====================
Please following steps:
1.Add a Trigger "When an item is created or modified"
2.Add an Action "Get item"
3.Add an Action "Data Operation -- Select"
- In 'Select' Action 'From' (input for select) will be the 'Attendees' Field.
- Map Key 'Attendees' to Value 'Attendees Email' (as only email can be used to send a mail.)
4.Add "Initialize Variable". I named it as 'OriginalAttendees'. Type as 'Array' and Value will be the Output from previous 'Select' action.
5.Add a Control "Condition". The condition is "Attendees Email" equal "null"
6.If yes.
- Add an Action "List group member" and select your group name.
- Then, add an Action "Send an email (V2)"
7.If not.
- Add 'Apply to each' where the output of variable 'OriginalAttendees' is entered.
- Then, add 'Apply to each' where the output of variable '(Get item) Attendees' is entered.
- Next, add "Append to array variable".
Name:OriginalAttendees Value: Attendees Email
- Lastly, Add an Action "Send an email (V2) "