I figured this out. Instead of trying to change props in component B, assign props from the main component A, I have added a function in the state and called this function which is prop for the component B.
StatusDropvalue={this.state.dropdownchanged?this.state.dropdownchanged:this.state.items.CurrentStatus} onNameChange={this.onChange}
StatusDropvalue={this.state.dropdownchanged?this.state.dropdownchanged:this.state.items.CurrentStatus} onNameChange={this.onChange}
In Component B IPropsIProps
declared the function like below:
onNameChange:((details: IComponentBState) => void)
onNameChange:((details: IComponentBState) => void)
In Component A set a function like below which gets changed dropdowndrop-down value from Component B dropdowndrop-down and assigns it to a state value in component A. This state value is sent as a prop to the componenetcomponent B in Component A.
private onChange(details) {
console.log("handle dropdown on change" + details);
this.setState({ dropdownchanged: details });