How to write the custom validation using jQuery in custom HTML form. I?
I have created acustoma custom html form which has fields dropdown, single line of textstext, people picker values,date fields, etc. and custom submit button.
But, I am stuck at. how to perform custom validation using jsom/ jquery etc.?
- canCan i use spservices inside jsom ?
- canCan i use presaveaction on click of the custom submit button?
- alsoAlso,i wannawant to redirect the browser to a editformeditForm.aspx page and need to populate with the newlycreatedIDnewly created ID as a query string
- .
I have just started learning jsom coding in SPO(basically i am a SSOM guy !!), so any help is appreciated for guiding me.
function bindButtonClick() {
$("#btnSubmit").on("click", function () {
though iThough I have written the above code , I am not able to get, where to write custom validation, and if its success, how to redirect and fetch the last generatedID etc.