In sharepoint, the date picker function has a limit such that if you pick a date beyond what the system gives, it produces the following error:
"You must specify a valid date within the range of 01.01.1900 and 31.12.8900
I have items with no expiry dates. How do I customize the date picker validation in sharepoint such that it has no date limit but it also cannot be left blank?
I'm not sure if I should be using jquery. I came across this post which uses a formula to edit the validation: Validating dates in SharePoint so they cannot choose a date before today's date, how would I write that formula? . If I'm supposed to use this method instead, what kind of formula should I use?
Fyi, my default datepicker in sharepoint contains a ms-formbody, which contains a formfield data-binded to the datepicker itself.