If you do not have much experience in SharePoint, i can recommend SPDocKit. It makes an inventory of your farm within seconds and without installation.
What you need from there is the "Bestp-Practices Report". Unfortunately it contains a lot of Best Practices which only apply to some customers (e.g. Enabling BLOB-Cache). So you need some experience to interpret the results. Not every red cross means you have to fix that.
Some tips:
- Do not expect a "Full Installation". There are components which do not make sense to configure for a majority of customers but cost time to get them running properly (e.g. AccessServices) or cost extra money (e.g. Reporting-Services for SharePoint).
- Installation should be performed with PowerShell-Scripts. Either own-written scripts or AutoSPInstaller. If installation and Service-Application creation is performed via GUI, you should not accept the farm.
- CentralAdmin has a ton of links. Finding what you need there is hard for beginners. SharePoint guys with an experience greater one year should find entries in CentralAdmin very fast. If he seeks around you might have a junior.
- SQL-Server gets installed by most SharePoint Consultants in a "Next next finish" way. But there is lots of possible optimization for stability and performance. Look what he does there.
- Even if it costs money: Claim a documentation of what was installed and what was configured after installation.
List of things to check:
- Is a WarmUp-Script implemented
- Is a Sync-Connection configured in UserProfileService? Most Installations should use AD-Import instead of FIM.
- Check Search-Topology if all components are up and spread correctly across servers. Are Content-Sources configured correctly and are there no top-level errors during crawl. Is a SearchCenter implemented and correctly linked in SSA
- Is Kerberos configured on your WebApplications
- How about SSL for your WebApplications? Did he ask you if you want to externally publish your SharePoint now or in future? Then you should use one global URL from the beginning (sharepoint.company.com instead of sharepoint.company.local)
- Is the SharePoint 2013 Addin-Infrastructure working
- Check if MySite Task Aggregation works
- Maybe you need to add SharePoint URLs to IE's local intranet zone via GPO.
- Check which Service-Accounts are used for which Service. I have seen Installations running with "Administrator" or a personalized admin-account as Farm-Account.
- Check if any SQL-Server Database contains a GUID in its name. Those things likely where installed via GUI instead of PowerShell
- Some things to check on SQL-Server: Is there an own Server or an own instance on an existing Server (not installed together with other applications in one instance), Is it running under a non-admin Service-Account, has this account the right "Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks", Collation Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS, Is Kerberos configured, Is Agent up and running, is database mail enabled and an operator configured, are alerts configured, is TempDB optimized, do your recovery models match the backup-strategy, was autogrow optimized, is DBCC-CheckDB implemented