Rendering of Default List Forms & Customize List forms are different. If you want to work SPUtility successfully in your custom list forms, then you have to add some of the tags in your custom list form.
Add class in table tag
- Find your first field in
in your custom list form - Find it's parent table tag. You get something like below tag:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
modify it as:<table width="100%" class="ms-formtable" style="margin-top:8px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- Find your first field in
Now go to your field and add below tag before
<xsl:comment>FieldName="Title" FieldInternalName="Title" FieldType="SPFieldText"</xsl:comment>
- Replace value in above tag FieldName with Field Display Name, FieldInternalName with Internal Name of the Field, FieldType with Type of the field.
Now you canwill be able to use SPUtility in your custom list pages also.
Happy Coading... :)