canCan we use third party custom Web services in SharePoint-hosted app on Office 365 ?
My Requirementrequirement is to get an item from Casio Web server and display in SharePoint Environment (Office 365) using SharePoint Hosted app.
But its getting error "Status code: 401,The remote server returned the following error while establishing a connection - 'Unauthorized'".
code But I'm receiving this error:-
Status code: 401,The remote server returned the following error while establishing a connection - 'Unauthorized'
$(document).ready(function () {Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
(function () {
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
request.set_headers({ "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" });
var response = SP.WebProxy.invoke(context, request);
context.executeQueryAsync(successHandler, errorHandler);
function successHandler() {
if (response.get_statusCode() == 200) {
// Load the OData source from the response.
var responseData = JSON.parse(response.get_body());
// log this to console so you can inspect it
else {
var errordesc = "Status code: " + response.get_statusCode();
errordesc += "\n" + response.get_body();
// console.log(errordesc)
txtOutput.text = errordesc;
function errorHandler() {
txtOutput.text = 'Error';
Can we give the Network Credentials details on SharePoint-hosted app development ?