I'd like to discuss about some sharepoint 2013 development experiences and require your guidance for further support.
We've a requirement to develop SP 2013 sharepoint hosted apps and provision all elements like Site Columns, Content types, Lists and workflows, branding elements like CSS, images and master pages etc.
Now, when the end user login to the portal, basically he will be redirected to host web. Then end user click our app icon to launch our components.
But the requirement is, when the end user logs into the portal, he should be redirected automatically to our app web. But it is not a right approach to redirect to app web directly as mentioned by Microsoft.
They've suggested to use Client App Parts to display the list. But in that case, we need to write some CSOM to interact with app web from host web. So to avoid CSOM, is there is any way to build this functionality or dodo you have any solution approach...?