I'm trying to start User Profile synchronization service but I'm stuck on starting.
Does SharePoint check if one of the managed accounts have replicated directory changes permission?
Can user profile synchronization service be started without having a managed account with replicated directory changes?
I know that I need "Replicated directory changes" permission to make it work, but CAN the service be started without one? and then later add the right permission -> add the user to the sync
I've talked to some people I know and they still think that the user have to have replicated user to active the service (to get it "started"). I've read on Harbar http://www.harbar.net/articles/sp2010ups2.aspx
The Synchronization Connection Account must have Replicating Directory Changes on the Domain you are syncing with. It is the only way sync will work. It’s a hard requirement. Despite the scary name the Replicating Directory Changes permission makes zero changes to AD. It provides a change log capability, which improves the speed of operations such as Sync.