The Export-SPWeb command is available for your help
another approach:
the below code will move items from from one list another list in one site collec to another list in another site collec.
This can be executed in a console appln.
using (SPSite srcSite = new SPSite("http://srcSite1"))
using (SPWeb srcWeb = mrcSite.OpenWeb())
SPList srcList = srcWeb.Lists["mydoclib"];
SPListItem item = srcList.GetItemById(id);
using (SPSite tgtSite = new SPSite("http://tgtSite"))
using (SPWeb tgtWeb = tgtSite.OpenWeb())
SPFolder tgtFolder = tgtWeb.Folders["tgtdoclib"];
tgtWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
tgtFolder.Files.Add(item.File.Name, item.File.OpenBinary(), true);