I'm working on a solution that requires scheduling meetings(Teams), take notes from that meeting, such as issues raised, attendees, minutes all in a structured manner. In essence, the scheduled events need to have related sub items.

Using a SharePoint Calendar as a container (Parent) with sub list items should work but then I dont believe a SharePoint calendar can schedule Teams meetings, therefore considering an O365 Group Calendar. - (Please correct me if I'm wrong and there are alternatives). But from SharePoint I cant lookup Group Calender's.

So my question is how can I tie a Group Calendar to sharePoint lists, in a 1 to many relationship. i.e. create calendar events, then be able to create sub-items in lists that link to the calendar event and visa-versa ?

One option I was considering is to somehow sync a group calendar to a sharePoint calendar/list. Not sure if this is possible.

I would consider creating a webpart if required as a last resort. Hope someone can assist me on this.

UPDATE: One important requirement is that the solution needs to be replicated easily, around 200 cloned solutions are needed for various projects. So I'm looking for a solution that is easy to deploy with little final configuration. Finally, the solution needs to lend itself to modification for each project, should project requirements change in the future. Originally I thought PowerApps was the way to go but this will not allow for flexibility needed. Then I thought SharePoint solution with several webparts, which can be cloned by site scripts may work as it allows flexibility. But with this option I cannot interface with a Group Calendar and create events with sub-items (as mentioned above).

2 Answers 2


You can use the Graph API to schedule your events with the M365 Group calendar.

Unless you need to provide visibility to the calendar for users who are not members of the Group, I wouldn't use a SharePoint List.

  • I'm planning to use ootb group calendar to schedule events. I only need to provide visibility to members. As per my OP, I need a way to record activities (such as tasks), so don't understand why you suggest I dont use SP lists. How else would I accomplish it? Jan 5, 2021 at 21:56
  • Planner would be my "modern" suggestion. Outlook Meetings will also be receiving meeting outcomes. See myignite.microsoft.com/sessions/….
    – user6024
    Jan 5, 2021 at 22:24
  • Hi Trevor, I looked at myignite link but couldn't find any concrete info about how outlook can provide structured attachements, unless I missed it. I've updated question to give context. I think, if possible, create an automation script that creates a container (either a SPsite, Group, Team). Then when a Calendar event is being created, somehow in the body of the message include a dynamic link to template date (i.e. SP List) - Sounds like a lot of work though and risky. Jan 6, 2021 at 10:55

I don’t think it’s possible to tie a group calendar to some SharePoint lists.

As a workaround, you could add meeting events with information you want in the group calendar. Then add group calendar web part in the modern page to view meeting events.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

  • Thanks for your reply. I'm aware that its possible to add notes in the meeting itself but its unstructured. Ideally, the notes need to be sortable like a list and categorised. The Group Calendar webpart is not intuitive, it lacks the ability to look like a normal calendar and I cannot add/modify any events. Is there a third party calendar that has these features? Jan 6, 2021 at 10:46
  • You could view the calendar via Outlook or even embed it in the site via an iframe to see the calendar view. Jan 6, 2021 at 17:42
  • Depend on your requirement, you could use SharePoint calendar list, then connect it to outlook. Jan 7, 2021 at 9:46

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