If you’ve got an existing page in each environment e.g. default.aspx and want to add a web part and promote to each environment what is the best approach?

  1. Create a WSP with a Feature Receiver and add to page via activation
  2. Create a WSP with a Feature and add a module with AllUserWebParts (requires deploying aspx page with it though)
  3. Manual export and import web part
  4. PowerShell script using SPLimitedWebPartManager
  5. Other…

2 Answers 2


You might find the SP2010 Client Object Model usefule here. Export the Web Part to a Web Part Control Description file (.dwp or .webpart) and then flip it in like this:

using (ClientContext context = new ClientContext("http://server")) {

    Web web = context.Web;
    File file = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/SitePages/Default.aspx");
    LimitedWebPartManager wpMgr = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(

    WebPartDefinition webPartDef = wpMgr.ImportWebPart(  
    wpMgr.AddWebPart(webPartDef.WebPart, "Left", 1);

  • I really wanted to wrap this up in a feature, in this instance it wouldn't make sense to use ClientContext in a server side Feature Activation right? So I'd just use SPLimitedWebPartManager...
    – Anonymous
    Apr 28, 2010 at 1:23
  • Thats correct,but if you would like to make it scriptable it's easy to cook this into an .exe that takes url, page and webpart as args. Apr 28, 2010 at 6:42

In the "Other" category, simply copy and paste the code from the page in one environment to the other in SharePoint Designer. It all depends on the business requirements, doesn't it?

  • Yes I guess, but if I'm deploying changes every day for the next three months, copying and pasting might make me go crazy ;-)
    – Anonymous
    Apr 28, 2010 at 1:21
  • Agreed, but you didn't mention "every day for the next three months" in your requirements. ;-) I would venture that packaging up everything for deployment every day for the next three months may not be much fun, either! Apr 28, 2010 at 12:28
  • copy and paste does work to a basic degree...but if you have list id's hanging in there it'll fail :-( it's always fun mate!
    – Anonymous
    Apr 29, 2010 at 5:28
  • Depends on what kind of Web Part, but for some switch ListIDs for ListNames, and copy and paste work just fine. Apr 29, 2010 at 16:12

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