5 votes

Ping from SharePoint list

I don't think this is a good use case for SharePoint. You're talking about running a "ping" from a web page but JavaScript running in a web page cannot do this - it only speaks HTTP. So you can issue ...
Derek Gusoff's user avatar
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3 votes

Ping from SharePoint list

If I'm sure, you're using SharePoint Online, so your only possibility is to use a client-side option. I think that you can actually do this using Client-Side Rendering (JSLink) in your list, or just ...
Sergio's user avatar
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1 vote

Feed request Ip

SharePoint Online is a shared environment and hence using the IP Address may not be the ideal solution. I would recommend using the FQDN like *.tenant.sharepoint.com
Amal Hashim's user avatar
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1 vote

I need to swap the ip and port of intranet sites

In this case, You have to do couple of things. update the DNS record. Update the IIS bindings with proper port Update the AAM settings at Central admin.
Waqas Sarwar MVP's user avatar

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