Questions tagged [sputility]

Provides tools for converting date and time formats, for obtaining information from user names, for modifying access to sites, and for various other tasks in managing deployments of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

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SharePoint + "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail" + not working for specific account

Ours is a SharePoint 2016 On Prem env. We have developed a custom component which uses "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail" to send email. Email is getting sent. Except for a specific account. ...
shoab's user avatar
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The SPUtility method MakeReadOnly() will show empty field instead of disabling a Person or Group field, when i am assigning it to a Group

I have a field named Assigned To inside my Create and Edit list forms. And i am using SPUtility library link to disable and enable certain fields. now the Assigned To field can be assigned to a Person ...
John John's user avatar
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Unable to get SPField named 'FieldName'

I keep getting an error every time I am trying to insert some jquery/sputility code to get a SharePoint form field to be hidden if certain conditions are met. The error is "Unable to get SPField named ...
kloneman's user avatar
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SPUtility.ParseDate - format of the input date string

In the SPUtility.ParseDate function, the 2nd parameter is the date in string format. Is there any specific format required for this? Will it work with any format? The MSDN documentation for this API ...
Ven's user avatar
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SPUtility not work in SP2016 survey

I am trying to customize a survey form using SPUtility. My survey form only have 1 field named "Event". I tried to pre-fill the field "Event" but in console it is returning: Unable ...
Mark L's user avatar
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copy or move replace file and update version sharepoint CSOM

hi im using method for copy or move file on sharepoint. but i want to ask how to implement when it's duplicated it automatically replace and update version? i've been try with this function but it's ...
fredy setiawan's user avatar
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How to Hide SharePoint Library Column (after file upload) Based on Conditions, JS JQuery, Multi-Choice Column

I am trying to use js to hide SharePoint Document Library columns based on conditions. Using SP 2010. I was able to hide drop-down columns based on an initial dro-down column value thanks to a former ...
LahLah2's user avatar
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Trouble conditionally hiding fields in SharePoint 2013 custom list

I have a custom list in SP 2013 where I need to conditionally show/hide fields in the list based on responses to other fields in the list. I'm so close to figuring it out, but it's not been easy. I've ...
Kristin Edwards's user avatar
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Can I use the field title in a newform as a tooltip?

I have a NewForm to add an new item to a list. I like to have a meaningfull tooltip for eacht of the fields on that form. I know it can only be done by changing the title of the fields. How do I ...
Marco's user avatar
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Sharepoint 2013 - javascript to show hide not responding

I have been using this show/hide SPUtility code for some time without problem. IN my new custom form I have tried unsuccessfully for the code to 'activate'. I am able to see the code within the ...
garvon-77's user avatar
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SP SPUtility GetSPField not cosistant

I have a piece of code using SPUtility on the same page. I try both version on the same line: version A result: Unable to get a SPField named FieldA ... $(document).ready(function () { var SPFA =...
YHTAN's user avatar
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SPutility Script Not working in Edit Form

I have a SPutility script that I have running on my Edit Form that makes the designated form fields "Read Only". I noticed yesterday that it is not working on my real site, but is working on my test ...
cbbrown's user avatar
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Redirect in UserControl

I have an issue to redirect page on the page load of my user control For this i use string sRedirectionURL = "/mylist/forms/allitems.aspx"; SPUtility.Redirect(sRedirectionURL + Request.Url.Query, ...
user1898765's user avatar
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Sharepoint: inline image in email

I am unable to add inline images in an email. The mail just show a square having a red cross inside it. Is there a way to add inline images to email which needs to be sent from SharePoint. Updated: ...
nbi's user avatar
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SPUtility.SendEmail() always returns false

I have one application which will create task form for each level based on the prior level approval. While creating each tasks I have to send the email to the users who all are involved in the task. ...
MAC's user avatar
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Using SPUtility script with If Statement

I am currently using a PreSaveAction script to check a field to make sure it is filled out before saving the form. However, while testing different situations, I realized that if "Reviewer 1" rejects ...
cbbrown's user avatar
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