Questions tagged [connection]

A state of synchronized communication between two endpoints across a communications medium such as Ethernet.

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3 answers

How to fill SP Online List with Oracle external data

My Problem is make something or configure something to read Oracle DB12 table and fill the Sharepoint 365 List with the retrieved data. I don't have a Sharepoint On-Premises in my server, So the ...
Allan Costa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Connect an iOS App to SharePoint Through Office 365

How would I connect an iOS app to SharePoint through Office 365? 1) Connect an iOS app to an Office 365 iOS app on the same device OR 2) Use Services (Web, REST) to connect to Office 365 This is a ...
surlac's user avatar
  • 137
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How to exclude expired users from AD sync?

I am using sp 2010. I would like to exclude expired users from the AD sync connection. How can I implement this? NOTE I mean Expired date and not Disabled.
Ola's user avatar
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3 answers

What is best way manage SharePoint webpart access to database?

I have my custom webpart, which have access to database. I need to configure data source, catalog, username and password, which allows webpart a access database. I don't want that users can see, what ...
user3172297's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Javascript to submit Web Part without click

From a previous question, I am able to populate a textbox with a value I can use to reference another list. However, in order for this functionality to be as user friendly as possible, I would like ...
Cali4nia's user avatar