How can I make a site, where I can choose between different categories, and below these add links such as a power point-file and pdf. Which template is best to use? people will not contribute add stuff etc. they will mostly look at informations.

example: categories --> culture. links below this image --> powerpoint and pdf file

  1. categori/picture economy. links below this image --> powerpoint and pdf

Hope that the question is understandable

  • Think a enterprise-wikipage might be the best solution am I right? Apr 11, 2016 at 9:17

1 Answer 1


Try the Summary Links web part. You can add links under group headers: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Use-and-configure-a-Summary-Link-Web-Part-or-a-Summary-Link-field-control-00d8ac9c-b7a6-43ee-90ed-e7db181e61a9#bm1

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