I cannot find the Powershell commands to share a site/site collection with a user or group of users. Same as Site Settings > Site Permission. Can you help me? Thanks

1 Answer 1


For this PowerShell script I have created a function called AddGroupToSite, allowing you to assign a SharePoint group (must already be created in the site collection) to a site along with a permission level by specifying one line of script. This first section sets up the SPWeb object and the function:

$web = Get-SPWeb "http://portal"

function AddGroupToSite ($web, $groupName, $permLevel)
    $account = $web.SiteGroups[$groupName]
    $assignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($account)
    $role = $web.RoleDefinitions[$permLevel]

Once we have our function set up, we can call it and pass the relevant parameters as follows:

AddGroupToSite -web $web -groupName "Site Admins" -permLevel "Full Control"
AddGroupToSite -web $web -groupName "Site Readers" -permLevel "Read"

Adding SharePoint groups with permission levels to sites using PowerShell

Add a SharePoint or AD group/user to all sites in a site collection using PowerShell

  • 1
    Perfect! And following the second link, just changing the definition of $account in = $web.EnsureUser($groupName) shares the permission with AD groups, thank you very much!!
    – Mafalda89
    Apr 1, 2015 at 13:52
  • using $web.SiteGroups["Site Admins"] returns nothing for me. Also, using $web.Sitegroups returns an 'access is denied' error.
    – Jelphy
    Jul 17, 2018 at 11:34

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