I have migrated a sharepoint 2010 list with inline editing enabled to sharepoint 2013 and now this setting is not viewable through the GUI, thus I cannot disable it. Is there a powershell cmdlet for this?

3 Answers 3


Yes, you can disable inline editing through powershell, in SharePoint 2010 or in 2013 (for lists upgraded with this property).

Source: http://www.manageprojectsonsharepoint.com/blog/2013/05/24/sharepoint-2013-upgrade-powershell-update-view/

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA 0
### Add the site collection 
### $siteURL = Read-Host "Enter the site collection URL"
$siteURL = "http://sitecollection/sites/somesitename" 
Write-Host "____________________________________"
Write-Host "Checking site collection: $siteURL"
Write-Host "____________________________________"
$site = Get-SPSite($siteURL) 
### Arrays used to loop through views and display what is happening
$webUrl = @()
$listName = @()
$viewUrl = @()
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
Write-Host "Checking Web: $web"     
foreach ($list in $web.lists)        
#Write-Host "Debug: Checking $list"
        foreach ($view in $list.Views)
            if($view.InLineEdit -eq "TRUE")                 
                Write-Host "Progress: Found InLineEdit in $view"                 
                $webUrl += $web.Url                     
                $listName += $list.Title                 
                $viewUrl += $view.Url                

# Cycle through the views found and reset each view's Inline Edit property
$numViews = $viewUrl.Count
Write-Host "____________________________________"
Write-Host "Number of Views to update $numViews" 
foreach ($viewUrl in $viewUrl)   
  $web = $webUrl[$i]     
  $list = $listName[$i]     
  $doUpdate = $true            
  $spWeb = Get-SPWeb $web     
    # Check that the view URL you have is actually a view URL and not a web part view         
    $spView = $spWeb.GetViewFromUrl("$viewUrl")        
   Catch [system.exception]    
     "The view URL found is not a valid view and may be a view used on a web part page."        
     "URL being checked was: $spWeb - $list - $viewURL"        
     $doUpdate = $false    
    If ($doUpdate)       
      Write-Host "View being updated: $spWeb - $list - $spView"         
      $spView.InLineEdit = $null         
  1. Go to List Settings of the list in concern.
  2. Go to Advanced Settings.
  3. Go to Quick Edit section.
  4. Click No radio button.
  5. Click Ok.

Let us know if it helped you.

  • what i mean is inline editing. NOT quick editing. inline is an unsuported feature in sharepoint 2013. see this blog post: vlieshout.net/disable-inline-editing-on-migrated-sites Dec 7, 2014 at 20:45
  • Do you mean that after migration to SharePoint 2013, this feature is still working fine. But, you want to remove it, as you don't need it.
    – Amit Tyagi
    Dec 8, 2014 at 17:01

this feature breaks the customized list form, more specifically the rich multi lines text boxes are not auto expanding. I ended up deleting all views and recreating them..

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