I am able to get Web template by checking its ID, but we have ten's of web configurations within a web template

so in short we have loads of web template id's with different configurations and Title.

In this question I find out how to find web template ID

Get Web Template Question

But I want to get web template by Configuration ID, not just Web.WEBTemplateID

 using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                foreach (SPWebTemplate template in site.GetWebTemplates(uint.Parse("1033")))
                    if (template.ID == web.WebTemplateId || template.Name == web.WebTemplate)
                         //it gives me first or maybe last web template with id let say "10023" but i want to filter them with configuration id

1 Answer 1


Following code worked for me :)

        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
            foreach (SPWebTemplate template in site.GetWebTemplates(uint.Parse("1033")))
                if (web.WebTemplate + "#" + web.Configuration.ToString() == template.Name &&
                    template.ID == web.WebTemplateId)
                    tbTemplateCategory.Text = template.DisplayCategory;
                    tbTemplateTitle.Text = template.Title;

Hope it helps if someone else came across same problem :)

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