I'm making a issue list that should have link to a document library. After registrered I want the dispform.aspx to show a link to the library with filter on the ID from the issue list.

I know ID can't be fetched from the form, but is it possible to retrieve it from the http address and put it in with the link with javascript?

/Forms/AllItems.aspx?FilterField1=look&FilterValue1=My ID from HTTP


2 Answers 2


In SharePoint you can use _spGetQueryParam to get a url param like your ID (details on my blog)

var id = _spGetQueryParam("ID");
var url = "/Forms/AllItems.aspx?FilterField1=look&FilterValue1=" + id;

Yes, it is possible to get item Id from display (or edit) form address. They usually have this kind of address:


You can parse ID attribute using this javascript:

var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]ID=([^&#]*)");
var itemIdValue = regex.exec(window.location.href);
var itemId = itemIdValue[1];

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